Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Deceiver In Chief

Just a little over four years ago, President Barack Obama and members of the Democratic party hailed success with the passage of their highly socialistic healthcare law known as "ObamaCare". They called it a victory for America. They told the American public it would make healthcare cheaper, and more reliable. They said businesses and people who already have coverage wouldn't be affected. But most importantly President Obama swore it wasn't another tax! Lets be clear, the Supreme Court has since declared it a tax. This is just one of the lies that has earned Obama the title "Deceiver- In- Chief"

Parts of the law have already gone into affect, but one element of the law is now being delayed by the Obama administration, and I can tell you why. The element in question is a provision requiring large businesses to provide health care coverage to all employees or pay a fine. This is perhaps the most controversial part of the law, and had business owners everywhere crying foul. Well President Obama recently announced that his administration would delay the implementation of this provision until at least 2015. Now him and his minions in the Democrat controlled Senate say they are trying to be flexible with business owners, and address some concerns with reporting regulations. However, us common sense Americans (Conservatives) know that there is a darker motive to this scheme.

In 2014, Americans will go to the polls in the midterm elections. Up for grabs is control of the House, and most importantly of the Senate. The Dems currently enjoy a majority in the Senate, but there is plenty of room for Republicans to swipe away the spotlight on Capitol Hill. Knowing this full well, President Obama made a political calculation to delay until after Americans cast their votes. That's because he knows that requiring businesses to provide health care coverage will cause lay offs, and increase unemployment. As a matter of fact, the CEO of Papa John's pizza chain has already come out publicly along with many corporations to say they would be forced to lay off, or cut hours of employees if this provision goes into effect.
President Obama knew he would have political troubles should this law pass. In fact, most Americans actually oppose ObamaCare now that they know what it requires. We all knew it would be trouble when then Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) told us "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it". Now Americans are finding out, and despite this delay, will certainly take out their frustration in the poll booths come 2014.


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